Septic System Approval, Permit, And Site Evaluations

State law requires permits for on-site septic systems to ensure that they are constructed and sited in a manner that protects human health and the environment.

A site evaluation determines which type and size of system is suitable for your property.

If you have a septic system, along with regular pumping of the septic tank, you must also protect the lateral field.

Onsite Sewage and disposal: All individual sewage disposal systems installed in Fayette County must be permitted through the health department. When applications for lot approvals are received, an environmentalist performs a site evaluation to determine suitability and location for the sewage system. This evaluation also determines design, type and size of the sewage system. A number of design alternatives within the state of Kentucky are available, including constructed wetlands. Lot evaluations are also performed on properties which are for sale, to check on the proper functioning of onsite sewage systems. This program handles any complaints received from the public concerning onsite sewage problems. Complaints are investigated and corrected accordingly. Call (859) 744-1488 for more information.


  1. Fix dripping faucets and leaking toilets no matter how small the leak.
  2. Practice water conservation by avoiding long showers, using washing machines and dishwashers for small or partial loads, letting the water run while brushing your teeth, etc.
  3. Compost your garbage or put it into the trash rather than using a garbage disposal or flushing it down the toilet.
  4. Direct downspouts, gutters, foundation and surface water away from your system area.
  5. Call a professional when you have any problems.


  1. Use a garbage disposal.
  2. Allow anyone to drive or park over any part of the system.
  3. Use commercial septic tank additives.
  4. Flush sanitary napkins, tampons, condoms, diapers or any other non-biodegradable objects into the system.
  5. Dump solvents, oils, paints, thinners, disinfectants, pesticides, or poisons into your system.
  6. Dig into your drain field or build anything over it.
  7. Make or allow repairs to be made to your system without first contacting your local health department certified inspector.

Environmental Office - (859) 744-1488

Applications for Onsite will be obtained in person at 273 Shoppers Dr. Onsite evaluation fees: $200.00.