Clark County Medical Reserve Corps
Clark County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
Clark County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Mission Statement
The mission of the Clark County MRC is to strengthen the health, safety, and preparedness of Clark County by organizing, training, and involving volunteers to assist in a public health emergency and to provide surge capacity during public health challenges.
What is the Medical Reserve Corps?
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. The MRC network comprises 990 community-based units and almost 200,000 volunteers located throughout the United States and its territories.
About the Clark County Medical Reserve Corps
The local Clark County MRC unit was organized in 2007 under the authorization of the Clark County Health Department (CCHD). Its volunteers include medical professionals, such as physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and technicians, as well as other community members with no healthcare backgrounds. Thus, ANYONE can be a volunteer.
The unit attempts to train and engage these volunteers to accomplish the mission statement given above.
Though the Clark County MRC has never had to respond to any local disasters or emergencies, there have been calls extended for volunteers state-wide during the 2011 flooding in Western Kentucky, and in the aftermath of the West Liberty, KY, tornado, in 2012.
Beyond disasters and emergencies, volunteers frequently contribute to community activities that promote healthy habits, such as obesity reduction, and tobacco cessation.
The Clark County MRC unit has distributed Home Safety Tip Bookmarks to county-wide 5th graders before summer vacation, as well as Red/Green Emergency HELP Window Signs at area businesses around Christmas. It also offered support with a Safety Booth for the 2014 Preservation Pedal Cycling Event in Winchester, and worked with the Bluegrass Chapter of the American Red Cross to offer a mass shelter training. The unit has also offered a pet preparedness training course that was open to the public, and assisted the CCHD with one of its rabies clinics.
More recently, a collaboration has been initiated with the high school Area Technology Center’s HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) students with some joint projects, which included assisting attendees at the Generations Center with assembling disaster preparedness kits, during a blood pressure screening event, and operating a Zika disease / mosquito awareness booth at the annual Beer Cheese Festival.
What training is provided?
The Medical Reserve Corps offers training courses required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all emergency responders. These include the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) which educates everyone about the organizational principles that responders must follow to work together cohesively during disasters and emergencies.
Other trainings that have been offered include CPR, family preparedness, risk communication, psychology of disasters, and infection control, to mention a few.
How can an individual join the Medical Reserve Corps?
Volunteers can join by registering online at Readyop is an online state-wide program that provides a database/communication system, used to facilitate responses through identification, credentialing, and deployment of volunteers.
After registering online, the MRC unit leader will contact the applicant to make arrangements for completing the process with the required paperwork for background checks, credential verification, worker’s comp, etc.
How can I find out more about the MRC?
More information on the Medical Reserve Corps can be found online at For any questions regarding the Clark County MRC, you may contact the unit leader, Amanda Coomer, at 859-744-1488, or by email at [email protected].
Statewide News Release
Media Contact
Christina Dettman, 502-229-2791 (cell)
Barbara Fox, 502-564-6786, ext. 3102
September is National Preparedness Month
Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for DisastersFRANKFORT, KY (Sep. 3, 2019) – The Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS), is reminding the public that households, businesses and communities can increase their preparedness by following this year’s theme of Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters during September – National Preparedness Month (NPM).
This nationwide effort is organized each year by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to encourage citizens to prepare and plan for emergencies in their homes, business and schools. This yearly observance was founded after 9/11 to increase preparedness awareness in the U.S., a fitting time to join the effort to help communities prepare for emergencies, such as natural disasters and potential terrorist threats, and to encourage individuals to take action.
"Emergencies and disasters can happen anytime and anywhere, often without notice and can leave us scared and confused,” said Jim House, Preparedness Branch Manager at DPH. "By taking the time to follow the ten steps outlined below, we all can better prepare ourselves and our communities should emergencies or disasters strike. Remember that preparedness is a shared responsibility - it takes a whole community to prepare and respond to emergencies.”
The following ten steps of Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters can encourage households, businesses and organizations to prepare for emergencies during National Preparedness Month by taking the following actions:
- Assemble a Go Bag with supplies in case of an emergency.
- Prepare digital forms of important documents for an emergency.
- Have extra supplies in case of an emergency.
- Download the FEMA app ( to provide emergency information at your fingertips.
- Have an alternative power source for devices during emergencies.
- Set up an In Case of Emergency (ICE) emergency contact in your cell phone.
- Choose an emergency contact when out-of-town.
- Find a local, pet-friendly evacuation center.
- Update your social media to tell loved ones you are safe during an emergency.
- Remember that in an emergency – text and don’t call. Phone lines will be backed up with calls reporting important information. To let your loved ones know you are safe, send them a text message instead.
For more information about preparing for and responding to emergencies, visit
The Cabinet for Health and Family Services is home to most of the state's human services and healthcare programs, including the Department for Medicaid Services, the Department for Community Based Services the Department for Public Health, the Department for Aging and Independent Living and the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. CHFS is one of the largest agencies in state government, with nearly 8,000 full- and part-time employees located across the Commonwealth focused on improving the lives and health of Kentuckians.