Dental Services
Bright Smiles
– Our Oral Health Prevention Program
We provide the following:

Since our oral health program started in 2015, our dental team has provided more than 1,700 dental health assessments and cleaning to students of Clark County. In addition, our dental team placed over 1,700 dental sealants.
In order for a student to be seen by our Bright Smiles team a parent or guardian must complete our consent form. Our licensed public health dental hygienist examines each student’s teeth and provides a dental cleaning. A fluoride varnish is also applied to the teeth. Then, with the help of the dental assistant, the dental hygienist places sealants if needed on permanent molars.
Our dental program strives to make sure children are seen by a regular dentist. Each child seen receives a dental report card. If possible decay is found parents receive a follow up phone call to try to ensure that child is seen by a dentist.
Click below for consent form. Return form to your child’s school nurse.